Sunday, May 9, 2010

Home Home Home

Well, it's finally over. My first year of college, that is. And when I say FINALLY, I mean ALREADY. The year flew by in a rush of city life, new and crazy people, and, of course, high class academia. After I handed in that final blue book and stripped my dorm room until it was as naked as it had been when I arrived in August, I found myself wondering in which pocket I had misplaced the time.

If my comfort zone before beginning college extended no further than the lawn of my home in Ohio, in these last few months I have travelled to the moon and back. The past year has given me a new home, an appreciation for my old one, and the realization that I will be going back and forth for some time to come. These are the in-between years, and I have this feeling they are going to slip away quickly, uncatchable like those dandelion seeds after your whisper carries them off the stem and into the wind.

I feel this picture (from spring break in Hilton Head) pretty much sums up year one of college :)


  1. oh no! why do your pictures never show up?!??!!!!?????????

  2. oh this is Abby by the way...haha ha haha i forgot I was on his comp!

  3. Please write another blog. You need to. This was supposed to bond us, and right now you are sucking at it.
