Sunday, May 9, 2010

Home Home Home

Well, it's finally over. My first year of college, that is. And when I say FINALLY, I mean ALREADY. The year flew by in a rush of city life, new and crazy people, and, of course, high class academia. After I handed in that final blue book and stripped my dorm room until it was as naked as it had been when I arrived in August, I found myself wondering in which pocket I had misplaced the time.

If my comfort zone before beginning college extended no further than the lawn of my home in Ohio, in these last few months I have travelled to the moon and back. The past year has given me a new home, an appreciation for my old one, and the realization that I will be going back and forth for some time to come. These are the in-between years, and I have this feeling they are going to slip away quickly, uncatchable like those dandelion seeds after your whisper carries them off the stem and into the wind.

I feel this picture (from spring break in Hilton Head) pretty much sums up year one of college :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Roommates. For Better or Worse.

When I first met my roommate on that fateful August evening, I never expected our relationship to develop into what it is today. Living with Abby has been like the creation of a peanut butter chocolate milkshake. Our personalities have melded into one delicious combination. In fact, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish her from myself. If we grew any closer, we would be the same person. Literally. We are known around here as the "old married couple" because we go to bed no later than 12:30 on school nights (which is ridiculously early for a couple of college kids). We enjoy doing various activities together, including watching Gilmore Girls, eating Cheetohs, and bouncing on our beds. But the one thing that really sets us apart from other roommate couples (and other humans in general) is our monster voice. We frequently have full conversations in these monster voices. I would describe this unique sound as a heavenly fusion between Pee-Wee Herman, Elmo, and a foghorn. Some find our voices annoying, but we know they are AWESOME. So, if you ever have the pleasure of witnessing this beautiful sound, please, do not feel ashamed if tears of joy begin running down your face.


Roomies for life!